Yesterday, I went on a date, a first date, with a really amazing guy. We met at a St. Louis Barnes and Noble. Why? Coffee!...Caffeine...a required component to daily survival. Secondly, BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! The topics are endless and keeps the conversation going. Plus, what a better way to learn about someone than through what they read? Do they read?
Andrea Owen's 52 Ways to Live a Kick-Ass Life.
I bought the most amazing, motivating, and life changing book,
And so starts the real journey to "finding Miss Marjorie." Who is, Who was Miss Marjorie? Where has she been and why? What has happened? What will happen? Why? When? How? the 5 W's and an H, is a simple formula to writing but with very complex questions and even more complex and at times eluding answers.
What do I know right now - thank you, Ms. Oprah - is that I am a survivor of many things that have impacted me in more ways than I ever knew, know, will be learning and in reality, may never know. I am so very, very blessed to be here and that in reality, I am statistically a miracle for just being here.
I am at a truly cathartic and spiritual point in my life. I am stripped emotionally stark ass naked for the world to see and to hurt and to take advantage of. If they, the world or anyone really, can get through the walls that have been a life time in the making, I know that those individuals have to be angels sent to me from God and that they must really love me unconditionally to fight that hard for me.
Chapter 1 - Take Responsibility for your Life and Choices
I do not, repeat DO NOT, want anyone reading this to feel sorry for me because I do not. It is my path that God has put me on. Do I believe that He only gives us what we can handle? I do but I do just wish He did not trust me so much and could spread it out some. Plus, it is a waste of time for me or anyone else to feel sorry for me. I don't have time in this life for all the bull shit. If you feel sorry for yourself, that means that you see yourself as a victim. That all the circumstances in life have been out of your control. Well, they have not, at least not all of them. I take responsibility for my choices, my actions and I apologize where I need to and accept my role in events.
So, let's just put a few of the things out there that will be a very big part of this journey that I have set out on to Finding Miss Marjorie:
I am the daughter of an alcoholic father.
I am the granddaughter of a verbally abusive grandfather.
I am a pediatric cancer survivor
I am an adult cancer survivor.
I am in financial debt up to my eyeballs ... to the IRS, to student loans, to my auto loan, to four different lawyers, and to my mother.
I am taking responsibility for the choices that I have made and the decisions or actions I have avoided because of fear.
I am one of 2 people that are responsible for the failure of a 15 year marriage that has brought me 2 of my greatest joys in my life - my sons.
I am, somewhere inside of me, the person that I was years ago...some 30 years ago. But, I know that person is not the same. That person is older and wiser.
If you have stumbled here through an Internet search or because someone shared it out, welcome.
If you are here because of a personal invitation from me, Thank You. Thank you for making me accountable. Thank you for having the strength and love to fight for me when I could not or did not. Thank You for picking me up and dusting me off or making me do it myself. Thank You for loving all the perfect imperfections that make me, me.
I have made that choice to remain somewhat anonymous in this travel that I have chosen to document here. I do not know where this journey will take me, but I may choose to share very inmate and personal accounts or details, and it is not to protect me but to ultimately protect my children. I have no intentions to embarrass others or to violate any one's privacy. I share this journey only for others to gain strength from and take the leap of faith that I am taking here. I guess this is a disclaimer of sorts.
If my writing inspires you, makes you laugh, cry, angry, sad, and any of all those others blah blah blah emotions...then it was for a reason. Not my reasons, but for your own and that is for you to figure those out.
Get the book! Come along for the ride. I can guarantee that it will be a roller coaster you have never before experienced. You are warned, grab the Dramamine, the Kleenex, your side while snorting in laughter because this train is pulling out of the station. Please remember to secure your loose objects and keep your hands inside.