On Monday, July 10, 2017, I had the privilege to speak to a local county council about the naming of a new park after a local Marine that was killed in action. The young man grew up in the area, graduated from one of the local high schools, and sixteen days into Afghanistan ... was killed in action. I have had a number of people compliment me on my writing skills, well I also have speaking skills. Below is what I spoke following an emotional presentation by the young man's father and before his mother's words. Each speaker only had three minutes, which for those who know me personally know that I can speak for any length of time, so I tried to make my point very clear. The family is that of LCpl Phillip Vinnedge, who was killed in action on October 13, 2010 as part of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. He was a member of the United States Marine Corps Dark Horse Unit. He was nineteen years old. His parents are two of the most amazing individuals that I have been blessed to have in my life. At the end of my remarks are some links to local news media stories, please take a few minutes to watch these.
"I am a quote person.
And though our arms are empty,
Our hearts know what to do,
Every beat of my heart says,
'I remember you.'
PFC Lucas Bregg
PFC Andrew Habsieger
Sgt Denis Kisselhoff
Cpl Donald Marler
LCpl Matthew Pathenos
PFC Michael Patton
SSG Bradley Skelton
Cpl Riley Baker
LCpl Drew Weaver
SPC Jeffery White
SGT Matthew Straughter
Seaman John Gomez
Cpl Travis Patriquin
SGT Zachary Fischer
Cpl Russell Makowski
LCpl Phillip Vinnedge
To you, these names may or may not have meaning or faces
To the students in my classroom, they are the faces and names of our fallen that hang on my classroom walls
To me, they are representative of a bigger picture - all ALL who gave their lives - the ultimate sacrifice for the ideals of our founding fathers and their families
In today's fast-paced social media driven world - without a name and face the reality of our Gold Star families and the sacrifice that they have given often go unnoticed
For them, as I have learned from witnessing their grief and the positive things they have chosen to do with their grief as the Vinnedges have done and continue to do --- all the Gold Star family wants is for their family member to be remembered.
To the Vinnedges, it isn't about just the naming of a park after their son who was killed in action.
It is ALL about our fallen from this era, their families and most importantly their children.
I don't know about you, but this is not an era that I want to have to repeat teaching.
Thank You"
You can also check them out at http://www.fallenherosdreamride.org
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On Monday, July 10, 2017, I had the privilege to speak to a local county council about the naming of a new park after a local Marine that wa...